Cold weapons and firearms

The arms’ collection of the Museum includes more than 6000 pieces and includes cold weapons and firearms.

The weapons collection covers a period of time which goes from the Stone Age to nowadays. The small selection of prehistorical arms exposed in the Malipiero Tower comes from donations and occasional finds in the territory of Trentino.
The selection of materials conserved by the Museum and dating back to the modern age is instead exposed in the Marino Tower.
The complete catalogue of the collections is contained in the book published by the Museum Secoli di ferro. Le armi di età moderna del Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra edited by Francesco Rossi (discover how to buy it).

The rich collection of firearms collects specimens from the XV century to the present day. In the Marino Tower, there is a selection of muzzle-loading arms while the most substantial part of the materials exposed in the Museum is related to the First World War.
Several pieces used during other conflicts of the twentieth century are visible in the halls of the permanent exhibition La pelle del soldato. Uniformi, corazze, elmetti e maschere antigas dalla Prima guerra mondiale al Duemila.

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Collections Office
Marco Leonardi Scomazzoni 
+39 0464 438100 int. 206

Davide Zendri
+39 0464 438100 int. 216

Only by appointment