Historical heritage spread throughout the territory

The Rete Trentino Grande Guerra (Trentino Great War Network) is a local system that includes associations, museums and public and private institutions that deal with the study, protection and enhancement of Trentino’s First World War heritage.

The Rete was founded in 2009 on the initiative of the Italian War History Museum with the support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto. It aims to advance the cultural activities linked to the Great War in Trentino and increase the visibility of the initiatives promoted by network’s constituents.

Over the years, the Rete has carried out numerous projects in the fields of media, training and creating services and cultural opportunities, aided by the Provincia autonoma di Trento.

Today, the Rete’s activity is concentrated on promoting the Circuito dei Musei della Prima guerra mondiale in Trentino (Circuit of First World War Museums in Trentino) in collaboration with tourism promotion companies.

The War Museum of Rovereto coordinates the project and manages the official Rete website, where you can find in-depth information on museums, historical sites and hiking itineraries in the places of the Great War in Trentino.


Rete Trentino Grande Guerra
(Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra)

MariaElena Cavicchioli
+39 0464 438100 int. 210